Publication Date2019-06
Fuel-Composition Dependent Reactor Antineutrino Yield at RENO
Bak G.; Choi J.H.; Jang H.I., et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.122, no.23, pp.232501
Publication Date2015-12
Hydrogenation-induced atomic stripes on the 2H- MoS2 surface
Sang Wook Han; Yun W.S.; Lee J.D., et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.92, no.24, pp.241303
Publication Date2015-02
Imaging a specific mRNA in pollen with atomic force microscopy
Kim J.S.; Park Y.S.; Hong Gil Nam, et al
RSC ADVANCES, v.5, no.24, pp.18858 - 18865
Publication Date2015-06
Surface-Effect-Induced Optical Bandgap Shrinkage in GaN Nanotubes
Park Y.S.; Lee G.; Holmes M.J., et al
NANO LETTERS, v.15, no.7, pp.4472 - 4476