Publication Date2020-09
Activity-Stability Relationship in Au@Pt Nanoparticles for Electrocatalysis
Dong Young Chung; Subin Park; Lee, H, et al
ACS ENERGY LETTERS, v.5, no.9, pp.2827 - 2834
Publication Date2016-10
Highly Stable Iron- and Manganese-Based Cathodes for Long-Lasting Sodium Rechargeable Batteries
Hyungsub Kim; Gabin Yoon; Inchul Park, et al
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, v.28, no.20, pp.7241 - 7249
Publication Date2014-11
Nanoscale photovoltaic characteristics of single quantum dot hybridized with poly(3-hexylthiophene)
Han, YD; Jeon, S; Kim, SD, et al
ORGANIC ELECTRONICS, v.15, no.11, pp.2893 - 2902
Publication Date2013-03
Overview of the KoRIA Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Ahn, JK; Bak, SI; Blumenfeld, Y, et al
FEW-BODY SYSTEMS, v.54, no.1-4, pp.197 - 204
Publication Date2019-03
Spindle-like Fe7S8/N-doped carbon nanohybrids for high-performance sodium ion battery anodes
Aihua Jin; Mi-Ju Kim; Lee, KS, et al
NANO RESEARCH, v.12, no.3, pp.695 - 700
Publication Date2015-12
Surface residual stress in soda-lime glass evaluated using instrumented spherical indentation testing
Ahn, SM; Sun-Young Park; Kim, YC, et al
JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE, v.50, no.23, pp.7752 - 7759