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Overview of the KoRIA Facility for Rare Isotope Beams

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Overview of the KoRIA Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Ahn, JK; Bak, SI; Blumenfeld, Y; Chai, JS; Cheon, BG; Cheoun, MK; Cho, D; Cho, YS; Choi, BH; Choi, CI; Choi, EM; Choi, HJ; Choi, MS; Choi, S; Choi, TK; Choi, YS; Chung, KH; Ha, EJ; Ha, JH; Kevin Insik, Hahn; Han, JM; Han, JM; Hong, B; Hong, SW; Hong, W; Hwang, SH; Hyun, CH; Jang, DY; Jang, J; Jeon, DO; Jeong, D; Jeong, SC; Jhang, G; Joo, E; Kadi, Y; Kang, BH; Kang, HS; Kim, A; Kim, DY; Kim, DL; Kim, DU; Kim, EJ; Kim, GD; Kim, HC; Kim, IG; Kim, JT; Kim, JW; Kim, JK; Kim, SH; Kim, SH; Kim, SH; Kim, W; Kim, YK; Ko, SK; Kwon, M; Kwon, YK; Lee, BY; Lee, BN; Lee, CH; Lee, CW; Lee, CS; Lee, KS; Lee, HJ; Lee, HS; Lee, HS; Lee, JH; Lee, KO; Lee, KS; Lee, SD; Lee, SK; Lee, SH; Lee, YS; Lee, YO; Lee, YY; Manchanda, VK; Moon, CB; Nam, SI; Namkung, W; Nolen, JA; Oh, BH; Oh, JH; Oh, Y; Park, BY; Park, JA; Park, JY; Park, KH; Park, SH; Park, TS; Park, WY; Ryu, CY; Ryu, MS; Ryu, SY; Sakai, H; Seo, HJ; Shin, JW; Shin, SW; Sigg, P; Sim, KS; So, WY; Song, HS; Song, TY; Suh, BJ; Tenreiro, C; Tong, Z; Tribble, RE; Woo, HJ; Yano, Y; Yang, HR; Yang, YK; Yeon, YH; Yi, WJ; Yu, BG; Yu, DH; Yoo, IK; Yu, SY; Yun, CC
Publication Date
FEW-BODY SYSTEMS, v.54, no.1-4, pp.197 - 204
The Korea Rare Isotope Accelerator, currently referred to as KoRIA, is briefly presented. The KoRIA facility is aimed to enable cutting-edge sciences in a wide range of fields. It consists of a 70 kW isotope separator on-line (ISOL) facility driven by a 70 MeV, 1 mA proton cyclotron and a 400 kW in-flight fragmentation (IFF) facility. The ISOL facility uses a superconducting (SC) linac for post-acceleration of rare isotopes up to about 18 MeV/u, while the SC linac of IFF facility is capable of accelerating uranium beams up to 200 MeV/u, 8 p mu A and proton beams up to 600 MeV, 660 mu A. Overall features of the KoRIA facility are presented with a focus on the accelerator design
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