Publication Date2018-05
Focusing of light energy inside a scattering medium by controlling the time-gated multiple light scattering
Seungwon Jeong; Ye-Ryoung Lee; Wonjun Choi, et al
NATURE PHOTONICS, v.12, no.5, pp.277 - 283
Publication Date2020-02
Near-field sub-diffraction photolithography with an elastomeric photomask
Sangyoon Paik; Gwangmook Kim; Sehwan Chang, et al
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.11, no.1, pp.805
Publication Date2023-10
Nontypical Wulff-Shape Silicon Nanosheets with High Catalytic Activity
Minwoo Lee; Taehoon Kim; Woosun Jang, et al
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v.145, no.41, pp.22620 - 22632
Publication Date2018-07
Selective Pump Focusing on Individual Laser Modes in Microcavities
Jae-Hyuck Choi; Sehwan Chang; Kyoung-Ho Kim, et al
ACS PHOTONICS, v.5, no.7, pp.2791 - 2798