Publication Date2020-07
1D topological phases in transition-metal monochalcogenide nanowires
Kyung-Hwan Jin; Feng Liu
NANOSCALE, v.12, no.27, pp.14661 - 14667
Publication Date2017-10
Atomically Abrupt Topological p-n Junction
Sung Hwan Kim; Kyung-Hwan Jin; Byung Woo Kho, et al
ACS NANO, v.11, no.10, pp.9671 - 9677
Publication Date2020-01
Doping-induced topological phase transition in Bi: The role of quantum electronic stress
Kyung-Hwan Jin; Han Woong Yeom; Feng Liu
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.101, no.3, pp.035111
Publication Date2020-08
Honeycomb-Lattice Mott Insulator on Tantalum Disulphide
Jinwon Lee; Kyung-Hwan Jin; Andrei Catuneanu, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, v.125, no.9, pp.096403