Publication Date2020-04
A sensitive and specific nanosensor for monitoring extracellular potassium levels in the brain
Jianan Liu; Li, FY; Wang, Y, et al
Nature Nanotechnology, v.15, pp.321 - 330
Publication Date2019-03
Pantropical climate interactions
Highly Cited Paper
Cai, WJ; Wu, LX; Lengaigne, M, et al
SCIENCE, v.363, no.6430, pp.944 - +
Publication Date2016-11
pH-Sensitive Pt Nanocluster Assembly Overcomes Cisplatin Resistance and Heterogeneous Stemness of Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Xia, HP; Li, FY; Park, W, et al
ACS CENTRAL SCIENCE, v.2, no.11, pp.802 - 811