Publication Date2021-10-20
A rapid assay provides on-site quantification of tetrahydrocannabinol in oral fluid
Hojeong Yu; Hoyeon Lee; Jiyong Cheong, et al
SCIENCE TRANSLATIONAL MEDICINE, v.13, no.616, pp.eabe2352
Publication Date2023-04
CRISPR-Enhanced Hydrogel Microparticles for Multiplexed Detection of Nucleic Acids
Yoon Ho Roh; Chang Yeol Lee; Sujin Lee, et al
Publication Date2023-09
Inaugurating High-Throughput Profiling of Extracellular Vesicles for Earlier Ovarian Cancer Detection
Ala Jo; Allen Green; Jamie E. Medina, et al
Advanced Science, v.10, no.27
Publication Date2019-02
Multichannel digital heteronuclear magnetic resonance biosensor
Stephan Huber; Changwook Min; Christoph Staat, et al
BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS, v.126, pp.240 - 248