Publication Date2024-11
Insight into C4 Selectivity in the Light-Driven C-H Fluoroalkylation of Pyridines and Quinolines
Leejae Kim; Wooseok Lee; Sungwoo Hong
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, v.63, no.46
Publication Date2021-12
Regio- and Stereoselective Functionalization Enabled by Bidentate Directing Groups
Jinwon Jeon; Changseok Lee; Inyoung Park, et al
Chemical Record, v.21, no.12, pp.3613 - 3627
Publication Date2017-09
Regiodivergent Conjugate Addition Controlled by Rhodium(I) and Palladium(II) Catalysts: A Combined Computational and Experimental Study
Hoimin Jung; Ansoo Lee; Jin Kim, et al
ADVANCED SYNTHESIS & CATALYSIS, v.359, no.18, pp.3160 - 3175
Publication Date2020-12
Regioselective C-H Functionalization of HeteroareneN-Oxides Enabled by a Traceless Nucleophile
Gangadhar Rao Mathi; Byeongseok Kweon; Yonghoon Moon, et al
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition, v.59, no.50, pp.22675 - 22683
Publication Date2018-07
Site-Selective C-H Bond Functionalization of Chromones and Coumarins
Dahye Kang; Kukcheol Ahn; Sungwoo Hong
ASIAN JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY, v.7, no.7, pp.1136 - 1150
Publication Date2024-11
Traceless Nucleophile Strategy for C5-Selective C-H Sulfonylation of Pyridines
Jieun Kim; Ye-Eun Kim; Sungwoo Hong
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, v.63, no.47