Publication Date2014-01
Impact of vacancy clusters on characteristic resistance change of nonstoichiometric strontium titanate nano-film
Yong Su Kim; Jiyeon Kim; Moon Jee Yoon, et al
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, v.104, no.1, pp.13501
Publication Date2017-05
Quantum Conductance Probing of Oxygen Vacancies in SrTiO3 Epitaxial Thin Film using Graphene
Kyeong Tae Kang; Haeyong Kang; Jeongmin Park, et al
ADVANCED MATERIALS, v.29, no.18, pp.1700071
Publication Date2013-06
Two opposite hysteresis curves in semiconductors with mobile dopants
Jae Sung Lee; Shin Buhm Lee; Byungnam Kahng, et al
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, v.102, no.25, pp.253503-1 - 253503-4