Publication Date2020-10
A neuroimaging marker for predicting longitudinal changes in pain intensity of subacute back pain based on large-scale brain network interactions
Bo-yong park; Jae-Joong Lee; Hong Ji Kim, et al
SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v.10, no.1, pp.17392
Publication Date2021-10-28
A Secular Shift of the Madden-Julian Oscillation and Its Relation to Western Pacific Ocean Warming
Huang, Yu; Fu, Zuntao; Christian L. E. Franzke
Geophysical Research Letters, v.48, no.20
Publication Date2024-06
Computing Quantum Mean Values in the Deep Chaotic Regime
Gabriel M. Lando; Giraud, Olivier; Ullmo, Denis
Physical Review Letters, v.132, no.26
Publication Date2016-01
Dressed scalar propagator in a non-Abelian background from the worldline formalism
Naser Ahmadiniaz; Bastianelli F.; Corradini O.
Physical Review d, v.93, no.2, pp.025035
Publication Date2022-02
Effect sizes and test-retest reliability of the fMRI-based neurologic pain signature
Han, Xiaochun; Ashar, Yoni K.; Kragel, Philip, et al
NeuroImage, v.247
Publication Date2022-09
Functional brain reconfiguration during sustained pain
Jae-Joong Lee; Sungwoo Lee; Dong Hee Lee, et al
ELIFE, v.11
Publication Date2024-08
Heroes and villains: opposing narrative roles engage neural synchronization in the inferior frontal gyrus
Hayoung Ryu; M. Justin Kim
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, v.19, no.1
Publication Date2022-07
In-vivo data-driven parcellation of Heschl’s gyrus using structural connectivity
Hyebin Lee; Kyoungseob Byeon; Bo-yong Park, et al
Scientific Reports, v.12, no.1
Publication Date2021-09-02
Intersection numbers on M¯ g,n and BKP hierarchy
Alexander Alexandrov
Journal of High Energy Physics, v.2021, no.9
Publication Date2015-11
Machine learning assembly landscapes from particle tracking data
Andrew W. Long; Jie Zhang; Steve Granick, et al
SOFT MATTER, v.11, no.41, pp.8141 - 8153
Publication Date2017-09
Neural Activity Patterns in the Human Brain Reflect Tactile Stickiness Perception
Junsuk Kim; Jiwon Yeon; Jaekyun Ryu, et al
Publication Date2023-02
On the relationship between the social brain, social connectedness, and wellbeing
M. Justin Kim; Sul, Sunhae
Publication Date2021-07-16
Parallel processing of working memory and temporal information by distinct types of cortical projection neurons
Bae, Jung Won; Huijeong Jeong; Yoon, Young Ju, et al
Publication Date2019-05
Quantum Electrodynamics Actions in Supercritical Fields
Sang Pyo Kim; Lee, HK
Publication Date2022-06
Replica symmetry breaking in random non-Hermitian systems
Garcia-Garcia, Antonio M.; Jia, Yiyang; Dario Rosa, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v.105, no.12
Publication Date2024-11
Semi-orthogonal subspaces for value mediate a binding and generalization trade-off
Johnston, W. Jeffrey; Fine, Justin M.; Seng Bum Michael Yoo, et al
Nature Neuroscience, v.27, pp.2218 - 2230
Publication Date2021-12
Spinors of real type as polyforms and the generalized Killing equation
Cortes, Vicente; Calin Lazaroiu; Shahbazi, C. S.
MATHEMATISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT, v.299, no.3-4, pp.1351 - 1419
Publication Date2024-10
SUBTLE: An Unsupervised Platform with Temporal Link Embedding that Maps Animal Behavior
Jea Kwon; Sunpil Kim; Dong-Kyum Kim, et al
International Journal of Computer Vision, v.132, pp.4589 - 4615
Publication Date2022-03
The role of state uncertainty in the dynamics of dopamine
Mikhael, John G.; HyungGoo R. Kim; Uchida, Naoshige, et al
Current Biology, v.32, no.5, pp.1077 - 1087
Publication Date2023-08
Toughening self-healing elastomer crosslinked by metal–ligand coordination through mixed counter anion dynamics
Park, Hyunchang; Kang, Taewon; Kim, Hyunjun, et al
Nature Communications, v.14, no.1