Publication Date2020-07
Supersymmetric clockwork axion model and axino dark matter
Kyu Jung Bae; Sang Hui Im
Physical Review d, v.102, no.1, pp.015011
Publication Date2017-01
Identifying a new particle with jet substructures
Chengcheng Han; Doojin Kim; Minho Kim, et al
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, v.2017, no.1, pp.027
Publication Date2016-09
750 GeV diphoton resonance and electric dipole moments
Kiwoon Choi; Sang Hui Im; Hyungjin Kim, et al
PHYSICS LETTERS B, v.760, pp.666 - 673
Publication Date2016-01
Realizing the relaxion from multiple axions and its UV completion with high scale supersymmetry
Highly Cited Paper
Kiwoon Choi; Sang Hui Im
JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, v.2016, no.1, pp.1 - 16
Publication Date2015-11
Diluting the inflationary axion fluctuation by a stronger QCD in the early Universe
Kiwoon Choi; Eung Jin Chun; Sang Hui Im, et al
PHYSICS LETTERS B, v.750, pp.26 - 30
Publication Date2015-05
Peccei-Quinn invariant singlet extended SUSY with anomalous U(1) gauge symmetry
Sang Hui Im; Min-Seok Seo