Publication Date2023-12
Active Learning for Human-in-the-Loop Customs Inspection
Sundong Kim; Mai, T.; Han, S., et al
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, v.35, no.12, pp.12039 - 12052
Publication Date2023-07
Multi-Stage Machine Learning Model for Hierarchical Tie Valence Prediction
Karandeep Singh; Seungeon Lee; Labianca, G., et al
ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, v.17, no.6
Publication Date2022-02
Misinformation, believability, and vaccine acceptance over 40 countries: Takeaways from the initial phase of the COVID-19 infodemic
Karandeep Singh; Gabriel Lima; Meeyoung Cha, et al
PLoS ONE, v.17, no.2
Publication Date2021-03-16
COVID-19 Discourse on Twitter in Four Asian Countries: Case Study of Risk Communication
Sungkyu Park; Han, Sungwon; Kim, Jeongwook, et al
Journal of Medical Internet Research, v.23, no.3