Publication Date2020-12
YAP/TAZ direct commitment and maturation of lymph node fibroblastic reticular cells
Sung Yong Choi; Bae H.; Jeong S.-H., et al
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.11, no.1, pp.519
Publication Date2020-08
Distinct fibroblast subsets regulate lacteal integrity through YAP/TAZ-induced VEGF-C in intestinal villi
Seon Pyo Hong; Myung Jin Yang; Hyunsoo Cho, et al
Nature Communications, v.11, no.1, pp.1 - 16
Publication Date2019-08
Meningeal lymphatic vessels at the skull base drain cerebrospinal fluid
Highly Cited Paper
Ji Hoon Ahn; Hyunsoo Cho; Jun-Hee Kim, et al
NATURE, v.572, no.7767, pp.62 - +
Publication Date2019-02
Tumor metastasis to lymph nodes requires YAP-dependent metabolic adaptation
Lee C.-K.; Seung-hwan Jeong; Jang C., et al
SCIENCE, v.363, no.6427, pp.644 - 649
Publication Date2019-02
Tie2 activation promotes choriocapillary regeneration for alleviating neovascular age-related macular degeneration
Jaeryung Kim; Park J.R.; Jeongwoon Choi, et al
SCIENCE ADVANCES, v.5, no.2, pp.eaau6732
Publication Date2018-11
Angiopoietin-2 exacerbates cardiac hypoxia and inflammation after myocardial infarction
Seung-Jun Lee; Choong-Kun Lee; Seok Kang, et al
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION, v.128, no.11, pp.5018 - 5033
Publication Date2018-09
Chapter 8: Morphological Analysis of Lacteal Structure in the Small Intestine of Adult Mice
서상헌; 홍선표; 박인태, et al
Springer New York, pp.131 - 139