Publication Date2024-12
Growth Kinetics of Graphene on Cu(111) Foils from Methane, Ethyne, Ethylene, and Ethane
Meihui Wang; Yong Chul Kim; Yongqiang Meng, et al
Angewandte Chemie International Edition, v.63, no.51
Publication Date2024-02
Repeatability and Reproducibility in the Chemical Vapor Deposition of 2D Films: A Physics-Driven Exploration of the Reactor Black Box
Shahana Chatterjee; Abadie, Thomas; Meihui WANG, et al
Chemistry of Materials, v.36, no.3, pp.1290 - 1298
Publication Date2022-07
Controllable electrodeposition of ordered carbon nanowalls on Cu(111) substrates
Mengran Wang; Kim, Yongchul; Liyuan Zhang, et al
Materials Today, v.57, pp.75 - 83
Publication Date2022-06
Epitaxial single-crystal hexagonal boron nitride multilayers on Ni (111)
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Publication Date2021-08
Single-crystal, large-area, fold-free monolayer graphene
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Meihui Wang; Ming Huang; Da Luo, et al
NATURE, v.596, no.7873, pp.519 - 524
Publication Date2020-05
Highly Ordered and Dense Thermally Conductive Graphitic Films from a Graphene Oxide/Reduced Graphene Oxide Mixture
Abozar Akbari; Benjamin V. Cunning; Shalik R. Joshi, et al
Matter, v.2, no.5, pp.1198 - 1206
Publication Date2020-04
Synthesis of Highly Oriented Graphite Films with a Low Wrinkle Density and Near-Millimeter-Scale Lateral Grains
Shahana Chatterjee; Na Yeon Kim; Pugno N.M., et al
CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, v.32, no.7, pp.3134 - 3143
Publication Date2019-11
Charge Transfer during the Dissociation of H-2 and the Charge State of H Atoms in Liquid Gallium
Dulce C. Camacho-Mojica; Benjamin Cunning; Shahana Chatterjee, et al
JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C, v.123, no.44, pp.26769 - 26776