Publication Date2024-02
Symmetrically pulsating bubbles swim in an anisotropic fluid by nematodynamics
Sung-Jo Kim; Kos, Žiga; Um, Eujin, et al
Nature Communications, v.15, no.1
Publication Date2021-08-17
Layering transitions and metastable structures of cholesteric liquid crystals in cylindrical confinement
Eun, Jonghee; Pollard, Joseph; Sung-Jo Kim, et al
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, v.118, no.33
Publication Date2019-07
Effects of chiral dopants on double-twist configurations of lyotropic chromonic liquid crystals in a cylindrical cavity
Eun J.; Sung-Jo Kim; Joonwoo Jeong
PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v.100, no.1, pp.012702 - 012709