Publication Date2025-02
SymScore: Machine learning accuracy meets transparency in a symbolic regression-based clinical score generator
Olive R. Cawiding; Sieun Lee; Hyeontae Jo, et al
Computers in Biology and Medicine, v.185
Publication Date2024-12
Estimating the distribution of parameters in differential equations with repeated cross-sectional data
Hyeontae Jo; Cho, Sung Woong; Hwang, Hyung Ju
PLoS Computational Biology, v.20, no.12
Publication Date2024-08
Data-driven shortened Insomnia Severity Index (ISI): a machine learning approach
Hyeontae Jo; Lim, Myna; Jeon, Hong Jun, et al
Sleep and Breathing, v.28, pp.1819 - 1830
Publication Date2024-07
Dysfunctional Beliefs and Attitudes about Sleep-6 (DBAS-6): Data-driven shortened version from a machine learning approach
Hyeontae Jo; Jeon, Hong Jun; Ahn, Junseok, et al
Sleep Medicine, v.119, pp.312 - 318
Publication Date2024-02
Density physics-informed neural networks reveal sources of cell heterogeneity in signal transduction
Hyeontae Jo; Hyukpyo Hong; Hwang, Hyung Ju, et al
Patterns, v.5, no.2