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SymScore: Machine learning accuracy meets transparency in a symbolic regression-based clinical score generator

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SymScore: Machine learning accuracy meets transparency in a symbolic regression-based clinical score generator
Olive R. Cawiding; Sieun Lee; Hyeontae Jo; Sungmoon Kim; Suh, Sooyeon; Joo, Eun Yeon; Chung, Seockhoon; Jae Kyoung Kim
Publication Date
Computers in Biology and Medicine, v.185
Pergamon Press Ltd.
Self-report questionnaires play a crucial role in healthcare for assessing disease risks, yet their extensive length can be burdensome for respondents, potentially compromising data quality. To address this, machine learning-based shortened questionnaires have been developed. While these questionnaires possess high levels of accuracy, their practical use in clinical settings is hindered by a lack of transparency and the need for specialized machine learning expertise. This makes their integration into clinical workflows challenging and also decreases trust among healthcare professionals who prefer interpretable tools for decision-making. To preserve both predictive accuracy and interpretability, this study introduces the Symbolic Regression-Based Clinical Score Generator (SymScore). SymScore produces score tables for shortened questionnaires, which enable clinicians to estimate the results that reflect those of the original questionnaires. SymScore generates the score tables by optimally grouping responses, assigning weights based on predictive importance, imposing necessary constraints, and fitting models via symbolic regression. We compared SymScore's performance with the machine learning-based shortened questionnaires MCQI-6 (n=310) and SLEEPS (n=4257), both renowned for their high accuracy in assessing sleep disorders. SymScore's questionnaire demonstrated comparable performance (MAE = 10.73, R2 = 0.77) to that of the MCQI-6 (MAE = 9.94, R2 = 0.82) and achieved AUROC values of 0.85-0.91 for various sleep disorders, closely matching those of SLEEPS (0.88-0.94). By generating accurate and interpretable score tables, SymScore ensures that healthcare professionals can easily explain and trust its results without specialized machine learning knowledge. Thus, SymScore advances explainable AI for healthcare by offering a user-friendly and resource-efficient alternative to machine learning-based questionnaires, supporting improved patient outcomes and workflow efficiency. © 2024 The Author(s)
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Pioneer Research Center for Mathematical and Computational Sciences(수리 및 계산과학 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
Pioneer Research Center for Mathematical and Computational Sciences(수리 및 계산과학 연구단) > Biomedical Mathematics Group(의생명 수학 그룹) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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