Publication Date2024-03
PT -symmetric non-Hermitian Hopf metal
Pak, Seik; Yeom, Cheol Hun; Sonu Verma, et al
Physical Review Research, v.6, no.1
Publication Date2024-01
Topological phase transitions of generalized Brillouin zone
Sonu Verma; Moon Jip Park
Communications Physics, v.7, no.1
Publication Date2023-06
Nonlinear magnon transport in bilayer van der Waals antiferromagnets
Mukherjee, Rohit; Sonu Verma; Kundu, Arijit
Physical Review B, v.107, no.24
Publication Date2022-10
Possible transition between charge density wave and Weyl semimetal phase in Y2Ir2O7
Juyal, Abhishek; Dwivedi, Vinod Kumar; Sonu Verma, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v.106, no.15