Publication Date2019-01
Regenerative potential of mouse embryonic stem cell-derived PDGFRα+ cardiac lineage committed cells in infarcted myocardium
Seon Pyo Hong; Sukhyun Song; Lee S., et al
WORLD JOURNAL OF STEM CELLS, v.11, no.1, pp.44 - 54
Publication Date2017-10
Impaired angiopoietin/Tie2 signaling compromises Schlemm's canal integrity and induces glaucoma
Jaeryung Kim; Dae-Young Park; Hosung Bae, et al
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL INVESTIGATION, v.127, no.10, pp.3877 - 3896
Publication Date2017-02
Generation of PDGFRα+ Cardioblasts from Pluripotent Stem Cells
Hong S.P.; Sukhyun Song; Cho S.W., et al
Publication Date2016-09
SoxF Transcription Factors Are Positive Feedback Regulators of VEGF Signaling
Kangsan Kim; Kim, IK; Yang, JM, et al
CIRCULATION RESEARCH, v.119, no.7, pp.839 - 852