An equal-TE ultrafast 3D gradient-echo imaging method with high tolerance to magnetic susceptibility artifacts: Application to BOLD functional MRI
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- An equal-TE ultrafast 3D gradient-echo imaging method with high tolerance to magnetic susceptibility artifacts: Application to BOLD functional MRI
- Jae-Kyun Ryu; Won Beom Jung; Jaeyong Yu; Jeong Pyo Son; Seung-Kyun Lee; Seong-Gi Kim; Jang-Yeon Park
Publication Date
- 2021-04
- Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, v.85, no.4, pp.1986 - 2000
- John Wiley & Sons Inc.
- To develop an ultrafast 3D gradient echo–based MRI method with constant TE and high tolerance to B0 inhomogeneity, dubbed ERASE (equal-TE rapid acquisition with sequential excitation), and to introduce its use in BOLD functional MRI (fMRI). Theory and Methods: Essential features of ERASE, including spin behavior, were characterized, and a comparison study was conducted with conventional EPI. To demonstrate high tolerance to B0 inhomogeneity, in vivo imaging of the mouse brain with a fiber-optic implant was performed at 9.4 T, and human brain imaging (including the orbitofrontal cortex) was performed at 3 T and 7 T. To evaluate the performance of ERASE in BOLD-fMRI, the characteristics of SNR and temporal SNR were analyzed for in vivo rat brains at 9.4 T in comparison with multislice gradient-echo EPI. Percent signal changes and t-scores are also presented. Results: For both mouse brain and human brain imaging, ERASE exhibited a high tolerance to magnetic susceptibility artifacts, showing much lower distortion and signal dropout, especially in the regions involving large magnetic susceptibility effects. For BOLD-fMRI, ERASE provided higher temporal SNR and t-scores than EPI, but exhibited similar percent signal changes inin vivo rat brains at 9.4 T. Conclusion: When compared with conventional EPI, ERASE is much less sensitive, not only to EPI-related artifacts such as Nyquist ghosting, but also to B0 inhomogeneity including magnetic susceptibility effects. It is promising for use in BOLD-fMRI, providing higher temporal SNR and t-scores with constant TE when compared with EPI, although further optimization is needed for human fMRI.
- 10.1002/mrm.28564
- 0740-3194
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