Publication Date2019-09
Efficient Cobalt Catalyst for Ambient-Temperature Nitrile Dihydroboration, the Elucidation of a Chelate-Assisted Borylation Mechanism, and a New Synthetic Route to Amides
Chandrani Ghosh; Suyeon Kim; Matthew R. Mena, et al
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v.141, no.38, pp.15327 - 15337
Publication Date2017-04
Mechanistic Investigation of Bis(imino)pyridine Manganese Catalyzed Carbonyl and Carboxylate Hydrosilylation
Tufan K. Mukhopadhyay; Christopher L. Rock; Mannkyu Hong, et al
JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY, v.139, no.13, pp.4901 - 4915
Publication Date2020-04
Scope and mechanism of nitrile dihydroboration mediated by a beta-diketiminate manganese hydride catalyst
Thao T. Nguyen; Jun-Hyeong Kim,; Suyeon Kim, et al
CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, v.56, no.28, pp.3959 - 3962
Publication Date2020-11
The electronic structure of a β-diketiminate manganese hydride dimer
Changjin Oh; Joëlle Siewe; Thao T. Nguyen, et al
DALTON TRANSACTIONS, v.49, no.41, pp.14463 - 14474