Publication Date2025-01
Secreted LGALS3BP facilitates distant metastasis of breast cancer
Kim, Seung-Su; Park, Issac; Jeesoo Kim, et al
Breast Cancer Research, v.27, no.1
Publication Date2024-12
Human immunodeficiency virus-1 induces host genomic R-loops and preferentially integrates its genome near the R-loop regions
Kiwon Park; Lee, Dohoon; Jiseok Jeong, et al
eLife, v.13
Publication Date2024-12
Dual function of PHF16 in reinstating homeostasis of murine intestinal epithelium after crypt regeneration
Ahn, Jun-Yeong; Kim, Somi; Rok Kim, Chang, et al
Developmental Cell, v.59, no.23, pp.3089 - 3105
Publication Date2024-11
Small and long non-coding RNAs: Past, present, and future
Chen, Ling-Ling; V. Narry Kim
Cell, v.187, no.23, pp.6451 - 6485
Publication Date2024-10
miR-124 coordinates metabolic regulators acting at early stages of human neurogenesis
Son, Geurim; Yongwoo Na; Kim, Yongsung, et al
Communications Biology, v.7, no.1
Publication Date2024-10
C-TERMINAL DOMAIN PHOSPHATASE-LIKE 1 promotes flowering with TAF15b by repressing the floral repressor gene FLOWERING LOCUS C
Kyung, Jinseul; Jeong, Daesong; Eom, Hyunjoo, et al
Molecules and Cells, v.47, no.10
Publication Date2024-09
Human cytomegalovirus harnesses host L1 retrotransposon for efficient replication
Sung-Yeon Hwang; Hyewon Kim; Denisko, Danielle, et al
Nature Communications, v.15, no.1
Publication Date2024-08
Abundance of the Membrane Proteome in Yeast Cells Lacking Spc1, a Non-catalytic Subunit of the Signal Peptidase Complex
Yim, Chewon; Chung, Yeonji; Son, Sungjoon, et al
Journal of Membrane Biology, v.257, pp.207 - 214
Publication Date2024-08
Innate immune responses against mRNA vaccine promote cellular immunity through IFN-β at the injection site
Kim, Seongryong; Jeon, Ji Hyang; Myeonghwan Kim, et al
Nature Communications, v.15, no.1
Publication Date2024-06
Mitigating polyethylene-mediated periprosthetic tissue inflammation through MEDSAH-grafting
Park, Jung-Wee; Chang, Chong Bum; Lee, Young-Kyun, et al
PLoS ONE, v.19, no.6.0
Publication Date2024-05
Deadenylation kinetics of mixed poly(A) tails at single-nucleotide resolution
Young-suk Lee; Levdansky, Yevgen; Yoonseok Jung, et al
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, v.31, pp.826 - 834
Publication Date2024-05
Time-resolved profiling of RNA binding proteins throughout the mRNA life cycle
Yeon Choi; Buyeon Um; Yongwoo Na, et al
Molecular Cell, v.84, no.9, pp.1764 - 1782.e10
Publication Date2024-05
Super-resolution proximity labeling with enhanced direct identification of biotinylation sites
Sanghee Shin; Lee, Song-Yi; Kang, Myeong-Gyun, et al
Communications Biology, v.7, no.1
Publication Date2024-04
The complement factor H-related protein-5 (CFHR5) exacerbates pathological bone formation in ankylosing spondylitis
Lee, Ji-Hyun; Lee, Seung Hoon; Jeon, Chanhyeok, et al
Journal of Molecular Medicine, v.102, no.4, pp.571 - 583
Publication Date2024-03
Structural atlas of human primary microRNAs generated by SHAPE-MaP
S. Chan Baek; Boseon Kim; Harim Jang, et al
Molecular Cell, v.84, no.6, pp.1158 - 1172
Publication Date2024-02
Mitochondrial matrix RTN4IP1/OPA10 is an oxidoreductase for coenzyme Q synthesis
Park, Isaac; Kim, Kwang-eun; Jeesoo Kim, et al
Nature Chemical Biology, v.20, pp.221 - 233
Publication Date2024-02
OrthoID: profiling dynamic proteomes through time and space using mutually orthogonal chemical tools
Ara Lee; Gihyun Sung; Sanghee Shin, et al
Nature Communications, v.15, no.1
Publication Date2024-01
Decoupling NAD+ metabolic dependency in chondrosarcoma by targeting the SIRT1-HIF-2α axis
Jooyeon Suh; Hyeonkyeong Kim; Jiyun Min, et al
Cell Reports Medicine, v.5, no.1
Publication Date2024-01
Harnessing CRISPR-Cas adaptation for RNA recording and beyond
Gyeong-Seok Oh; Seongjin An; Sungchul Kim
BMB Reports, v.57, no.1, pp.40 - 49
Publication Date2023-11
SARS-CoV-2 infection engenders heterogeneous ribonucleoprotein interactions to impede translation elongation in the lungs
Junsoo Kim; Youn, Daehwa; Choi, Seunghoon, et al
Experimental and Molecular Medicine, v.55, pp.2541 - 2552