Publication Date2024-12
Primordial black holes from bubble collisions during a first-order phase transition
Tae Hyun Jung; Okui, Takemichi
Physical Review D, v.110, no.11
Publication Date2024-09
Dynamical generation of the baryon asymmetry from a scale hierarchy
Chang, Jae Hyeok; Jeong, Kwang Sik; Lee, Chang Hyeon, et al
Physical Review D, v.110, no.5
Publication Date2024-07
Modeling the core-halo mass relation in fuzzy dark matter halos
Kawai, Hiroki; Kamada, Ayuki; Kamada, Kohei, et al
Physical Review D, v.110, no.2
Publication Date2024-07
Testing Verlinde's emergent gravity with the low acceleration gravitational anomaly observed in wide binary stars
Youngsub Yoon
Physics of the Dark Universe, v.45
Publication Date2024-07
Constraining MeV to 10 GeV Majorons by big bang nucleosynthesis
Sanghyeon Chang; Ganguly, Sougata; Tae Hyun Jung, et al
Physical Review D, v.110, no.1
Publication Date2024-07
Effective theory approach for axion wormholes
Cheong, Dhong Yeon; Park, Seong Chan; Chang Sub Shin
Journal of High Energy Physics, v.2024, no.7
Publication Date2024-05
Exploring solar neutrino oscillation parameters with the liquid scintillator counter at Yemilab with a comparison to JUNO
Bakhti, Pouya; Rajaee, Meshkat; Seon-Hee Seo, et al
Physical Review D, v.109, no.9
Publication Date2024-05
Leptogenesis driven by a Majoron
Chun, Eung Jin; Taehyun Jung
Physical Review D, v.109, no.9
Publication Date2024-03
Evolution of resonant self-interacting dark matter halos
Kamada, Ayuki; Hee Jung Kim
Physical Review D, v.109, no.6
Publication Date2023-11
Current status on pair-produced muon-philic vectorlike leptons in multilepton channels at the LHC
Junichiro Kawamura; Seodong Shin
Journal of High Energy Physics, v.2023, no.11
Publication Date2023-11
Uncovering doubly charged scalars with dominant three-body decays using machine learning
Flacke, Thomas; Jeong Han Kim; Kunkel, Manuel, et al
Journal of High Energy Physics, v.2023, no.11
Publication Date2023-10
Derivation of MOND from Hossenfelder-Verlinde gravity
Youngsub Yoon
Publication Date2023-09
New method to revisit the gravitational lensing analysis of the Bullet Cluster using radio waves
Youngsub Yoon; Jong-Chul Park; Hwang, Ho Seong
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, v.2023, no.9
Publication Date2023-09
Dark gauge boson emission from supernova pions
Chang Sub Shin; Seokhoon Yun
Physical Review D, v.108, no.5
Publication Date2023-08
Probing non-standard neutrino interactions with interference: Insights from dark matter and neutrino experiments
Jong-Chul Park; Tomar, Gaurav
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, v.2023, no.8
Publication Date2023-07
Cored dark matter halos in the cosmic neutrino background
Cho, Wonsub; Choi, Ki-Young; Hee Jung Kim
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, v.2023, no.07
Publication Date2023-07
Updated constraints and future prospects on majoron dark matter
Kensuke Akita; Michiru Niibo
Journal of High Energy Physics, v.2023, no.7
Publication Date2023-06
The SL(2, ℤ) dualization algorithm at work
Comi, Riccardo; Chiung Hwang; Marino, Fabio, et al
Journal of High Energy Physics, v.2023, no.6
Publication Date2023-03
New approach to semileptonic tags in B -meson semi-invisible decays
De, Marino G.; Guadagnoli, D.; Chan Beom Park, et al
Physical Review D, v.107, no.5
Publication Date2023-02
Search prospects for axionlike particles at rare nuclear isotope accelerator facilities
Jang, W.; Kim, D.; Kong, K., et al
Physical Review D, v.107, no.3