JOURNAL OF HIGH ENERGY PHYSICS, v.2017, no.1, pp.015
RK and RD(*) are two B-decay measurements that presently exhibit discrepancies
with the SM. Recently, using an eective eld theory approach, it was demonstrated
that a new-physics model can simultaneously explain both the RK and RD() puzzles.
There are two UV completions that can give rise to the eective Lagrangian: (i) V B: a
vector boson that transforms as an SU(2)L triplet, as in the SM, (ii) U1: an SU(2)L-singlet
vector leptoquark. In this paper, we examine these models individually. A key point is
that V B contributes to B0
s -B
s mixing and ! 3, while U1 does not. We show that, when
constraints from these processes are taken into account, the V B model is just barely viable.
It predicts B( ! +) ' 2:1108. This is measurable at Belle II and LHCb, and
therefore constitutes a smoking-gun signal of V B. For U1, there are several observables
that may point to this model. Perhaps the most interesting is the lepton-
decay (3S) ! , which has previously been overlooked in the literature. U1 predicts
B((3S) ! )jmax = 8:0 107. Thus, if a large value of B((3S) ! ) is observed |
and this should be measurable at Belle II | the U1 model would be indicated.
(c) The Authors.