Measurements of the ion fraction and mobility of alpha- and beta-decay products in liquid xenon using the EXO-200 detector

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Measurements of the ion fraction and mobility of alpha- and beta-decay products in liquid xenon using the EXO-200 detector
Albert, JB; Auty, DJ; Barbeau, PS; Beck, D; Belov, V; Breidenbach, M; Brunner, T; Burenkov, A; Cao, GF; Chambers, C; Cleveland, B; Coon, M; Craycraft, A; Daniels, T; Danilov, M; Daugherty, SJ; Davis, CG; Davis, J; Delaquis, S; Der Mesrobian-Kabakian, A; DeVoe, R; Didberidze, T; Dolgolenko, A; Dolinski, MJ; Dunford, M; Fairbank, W; Farine, J; Feldmeier, W; Fierlinger, P; Fudenberg, D; Gornea, R; Graham, K; Gratta, G; Hall, C; Hughes, M; Jewell, MJ; Jiang, XS; Johnson, A; Johnson, TN; Johnston, S; Karelin, A; Kaufman, LJ; Killick, R; Koffas, T; Kravitz, S; Kuchenkov, A; Kumar, KS; D. S. Leonard; Licciardi, C; Lin, YH; Ling, J; MacLellan, R; Marino, MG; Mong, B; Moore, D; Nelson, R; O'Sullivan, K; Odian, A; Ostrovskiy, I; Piepke, A; Pocar, A; Prescott, CY; Robinson, A; Rowson, PC; Russell, JJ; Schubert, A; Sinclair, D; Smith, E; Stekhanov, V; Tarka, M; Tolba, T; Tsang, R; Twelker, K; Vuilleumier, JL; Waite, A; Walton, J; Walton, T; Weber, M; Wen, LJ; Wichoski, U; Wright, JD; Wood, J; Yang, L; Yen, YR; Zeldovich, OY
Publication Date
Physical Review C - Nuclear Physics, v.92, no.4, pp.045504
American Physical Society
Alpha decays in the EXO-200 detector are used to measure the fraction of charged Po-218 and Bi-214 daughters created from alpha and beta decays, respectively. Rn-222 alpha decays in liquid xenon (LXe) are found to produce Po-218(+) ions 50.3 +/- 3.0% of the time, while the remainder of the Po-218 atoms are neutral. The fraction of Bi-214(+) from Pb-214 beta decays in LXe is found to be 76.4 +/- 5.7%, inferred from the relative rates of Po-218 and Po-214 alpha decays in the LXe. The average velocity of 218Po ions is observed to decrease for longer drift times. Initially the ions have a mobility of 0.390 +/- 0.006 cm(2) /(kVs), and at long drift times the mobility is 0.219 +/- 0.004 cm(2) /(kVs). Time constants associated with the change in mobility during drift of the Po-218(+) ions are found to be proportional to the electron lifetime in the LXe
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Center for Underground Physics(지하실험 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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