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Widespread loss of safe lake ice access in response to a warming climate

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Widespread loss of safe lake ice access in response to a warming climate
Culpepper, Joshua; Lei Huang; Woolway, R. Iestyn; Sharma, Sapna
Publication Date
PLoS ONE, v.19, no.12
Public Library of Science
Millions of people rely on lake ice for safe winter recreation. Warming air temperatures impact the phenology (timing of formation and breakup) and quality (ratio of black to white ice) of lake ice cover, both critical components of ice safety. Later formation and earlier breakup of lake ice lead to overall shorter periods of use. However, greater proportions of white ice may further inhibit safe ice use owing to its lower weight-bearing capacity. As ice cover duration decreases and ice quality changes in a warming world, the period of safe ice use will similarly diminish. We use a large ensemble modeling approach to predict ice safety throughout the winter period in the Northern Hemisphere. We used the Community Earth System Model Version 2 Large Ensemble (CESM2-LE) to calculate the period when ice first appears until it is of sufficient thickness for safe use, which depends on the ratio of black to white ice. We conducted this analysis for 2,379 to 2,829 similar to 1 degrees by 1 degrees grid cells throughout the Northern Hemisphere. We focus on the period between ice formation (>= 2 cm) to a safe thickness for general human use (i.e., >= 10, >= 15, or >= 20 cm, depending on the ratio of black to white ice). We find that the transition period from unsafe to safe ice cover is growing longer, while the total duration of safe ice cover is getting shorter. The transition period of unsafe ice increases by 5.0 +/- 3.7 days in a 4 degrees C warmer world, assuming 100% black ice. Diminished ice quality further limits safe ice conditions. The unsafe transition period increases by an average of 19.8 +/- 8.9 days and 8.8 +/- 6.6 days for the ice formation and breakup periods, respectively in a 4 degrees C warmer world assuming 100% white ice conditions. We show that although many lakes are forecasted to freeze, they will be unsafe to use for an average of 5 to 29 fewer days in a 4 degrees C warmer world for 100% black and 100% white ice ratios, respectively. This wide range indicates that ice quality has a strong influence on ice safety. This work highlights the need to understand both lake ice phenology and quality to better assess safe lake ice use during the formation and melt periods.
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Center for Climate Physics(기후물리 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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