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Resting-state frontal electroencephalography (EEG) biomarkers for detecting the severity of chronic neuropathic pain

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Resting-state frontal electroencephalography (EEG) biomarkers for detecting the severity of chronic neuropathic pain
Seungjun Ryu; Gwon, Daeun; Park, Chanki; Ha, Yoon; Ahn, Minkyu
Publication Date
Scientific Reports, v.14, no.1
Nature Publishing Group
Increasing evidence is present to enable pain measurement by using frontal channel EEG-based signals with spectral analysis and phase-amplitude coupling. To identify frontal channel EEG-based biomarkers for quantifying pain severity, we investigated band-power features to more complex features and employed various machine learning algorithms to assess the viability of these features. We utilized a public EEG dataset obtained from 36 patients with chronic pain during an eyes-open resting state and performed correlation analysis between clinically labelled pain scores and EEG features from Fp1 and Fp2 channels (EEG band-powers, phase-amplitude couplings (PAC), and its asymmetry features). We also conducted regression analysis with various machine learning models to predict patients’ pain intensity. All the possible feature sets combined with five machine learning models (Linear Regression, random forest and support vector regression with linear, non-linear and polynomial kernels) were intensively checked, and regression performances were measured by adjusted R-squared value. We found significant correlations between beta power asymmetry (r = −0.375), gamma power asymmetry (r = −0.433) and low beta to low gamma coupling (r = −0.397) with pain scores while band power features did not show meaningful results. In the regression analysis, Support Vector Regression with a polynomial kernel showed the best performance (R squared value = 0.655), enabling the regression of pain intensity within a clinically usable error range. We identified the four most selected features (gamma power asymmetry, PAC asymmetry of theta to low gamma, low beta to low/high gamma). This study addressed the importance of complex features such as asymmetry and phase-amplitude coupling in pain research and demonstrated the feasibility of objectively observing pain intensity using the frontal channel-based EEG, that are clinically crucial for early intervention. © The Author(s) 2024.
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Center for Cognition and Sociality(인지 및 사회성 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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