Major Shift of Influenza A Virus of Swine (IAV-S) by Human-to-Swine Spillover of the 2009 Pandemic Virus in Korea

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Major Shift of Influenza A Virus of Swine (IAV-S) by Human-to-Swine Spillover of the 2009 Pandemic Virus in Korea
Kim, Seung-Chai; Lee, Taek Geun; Na, Eun-Jee; Moon, Sung-Hyun; Kim, Hwan-Ju; Jeong, Chang-Gi; Young Ki Choi; Oh, Yeonsu; Lee, Chung-Young; Oem, Jae-Ku; Kim, Won-Il; Cho, Ho-Seong
Publication Date
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, v.2024, pp.1 - 20
The 2009 influenza A H1N1 pandemic (pdm09) originated from the influenza A virus of swine (IAV-S) through multiple reassortment events with avian and human IAVs. The pdm09 reportedly reintroduced the virus to pigs, contributing to the evolution and diversity of IAV-S through frequent reassortment and drifts. Surveillance and whole-genome sequencing of IAV-S from conventional pig farms in Korea during 2021-2022 revealed that the genetic diversity of H1 and H3 IAV-S was continuously enriched after human-to-swine spillover of pdm09 viruses with long-term maintenance, persistence, and reassortment of virus lineages. Evidence of additional human-to-swine spillover of viruses that are different from the 2009 virus but close to that of the recent H1N1pdm09 human vaccine was identified in this study. The identification of swine-adapted pdm09 viruses, which have accumulated amino acid mutations with potentially altered antigenicity and a unique potential N-glycosylation site within the haemagglutinin (HA) gene, suggests the distinctive evolution of spillover pdm09 viruses in swine. The genetic constellation of the recently emerging Eurasian avian-like swine lineage and the preexisting classical swine lineage H1 viruses in Korea has been expanded through reassortment with cocirculating pdm09 viruses and/or H3N2 IAV-S harboring the pdm09 M gene (H3N2pM). Collectively, after the major shift of Korean IAV-S from the classical swine lineage to the pdm09 lineage in 2009, the frequent spillover of pdm09 viruses and the circulation of IAV-S harboring pdm09 gene segments led to the continuous diversification of IAV-S through antigenic drift and shift, raising concerns about the potential reintroduction of these viruses to humans.
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Korea Virus Research Institute(한국바이러스기초연구소) > Center for Study of Emerging and Re-emerging Viruses(신변종 바이러스 연구센터) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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