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Dynamics of Extreme Surface Winds Inside North Atlantic Midlatitude Cyclones

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Dynamics of Extreme Surface Winds Inside North Atlantic Midlatitude Cyclones
Jun-Hyeok Son; Christian L. E. Franzke; Son, Seok-Woo
Publication Date
Geophysical Research Letters, v.51, no.14
American Geophysical Union
North Atlantic midlatitude cyclones are among the most severe weather systems, causing enormous economic damages and threatening human lives. The cyclone is typically characterized by cyclonic convergent surface winds, strong updrafts, and precipitation. However, extreme surface winds are often observed within the cyclone where downdrafts develop. The present study investigates the dynamical and thermodynamical characteristics of the horizontal winds impinging on the cold frontal surface and the associated downdrafts. It is shown that the cyclonic winds into the cold frontal surface are mainly responsible for the downdrafts that transport the high-altitude horizontal momentum to the surface and cause intense surface winds. About half of the North Atlantic midlatitude cyclones are accompanied by the downdrafts especially in the southern and western parts of the cyclone center. In the midlatitudes, air temperature decreases toward the poles, and cyclone systems typically travel eastward along regions characterized by strong meridional temperature gradients. Over the cyclone-influencing area, the cyclonic, counterclockwise rotating, wind induces southward cold advection on the western side of the cyclone center. Therefore, during the early phase of the North Atlantic midlatitude cyclone, the generation of the cold front, which has a steep gradient of temperature to the west of the cyclone center, and that is a common feature. Even after the formation of the cold front, the horizontal winds keep impinging on the frontal surface. Then the horizontal winds blocked by the frontal surface and downdrafts are induced. The downdrafts transport the upper-level intense wind speed to the lower level strengthening the surface winds. Surface winds within North Atlantic midlatitude cyclones are strengthened by strong downdrafts and downward momentum transports Downdrafts can be generated by the horizontal winds impinging on the cold frontal surface Cyclones tend to accompany the downdrafts more to the south and west of the cyclone center
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Center for Climate Physics(기후물리 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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