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Atmospheric neutrino oscillation analysis with neutron tagging and an expanded fiducial volume in Super-Kamiokande I-V

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Atmospheric neutrino oscillation analysis with neutron tagging and an expanded fiducial volume in Super-Kamiokande I-V
Wester, T.; Abe, K.; Bronner, C.; Hayato, Y.; Hiraide, K.; Hosokawa, K.; Ieki, K.; Ikeda, M.; Kameda, J.; Kanemura, Y.; Kaneshima, R.; Kashiwagi, Y.; Kataoka, Y.; Miki, S.; Mine, S.; Miura, M.; Moriyama, S.; Nakano, Y.; Nakahata, M.; Nakayama, S.; Noguchi, Y.; Sato, K.; Sekiya, H.; Shiba, H.; Shimizu, K.; Shiozawa, M.; Sonoda, Y.; Suzuki, Y.; Takeda, A.; Takemoto, Y.; Tanaka, H.; Yano, T.; Han, S.; Kajita, T.; Okumura, K.; Tashiro, T.; Tomiya, T.; Wang, X.; Yoshida, S.; Fernandez, P.; Labarga, L.; Ospina, N.; Zaldivar, B.; Pointon, B.W.; Kearns, E.; Raaf, J.L.; Wan, L.; Bian, J.; Griskevich, N.J.; Locke, S.; Smy, M.B.; Sobel, H.W.; Takhistov, V.; Yankelevich, A.; Hill, J.; Lee, S.H.; Moon, D.H.; Park, R.G.; Bodur, B.; Scholberg, K.; Walter, C.W.; Beauchêne, A.; Drapier, O.; Giampaolo, A.; Mueller, Th. A.; Santos, A.D.; Paganini, P.; Quilain, B.; Nakamura, T.; Jang, J.S.; Machado, L.N.; Learned, J.G.; K. Choi; N. Iovine; Cao, S.; Anthony, L.H.V.; Martin, D.; Prouse, N.W.; Scott, M.; Sztuc, A.A.; Uchida, Y.; Berardi, V.; Catanesi, M.G.; Radicioni, E.; Calabria, N.F.; Langella, A.; De Rosa, G.; Collazuol, G.; Iacob, F.; Mattiazzi, M.; Ludovici, L.; Gonin, M.; Pronost, G.; Fujisawa, C.; Maekawa, Y.; Nishimura, Y.; Okazaki, R.; Akutsu, R.; Friend, M.; Hasegawa, T.; Ishida, T.; Kobayashi, T.; Jakkapu, M.; Matsubara, T.; Nakadaira, T.; Nakamura, K.; Oyama, Y.; Sakashita, K.; Sekiguchi, T.; Tsukamoto, T.; Bhuiyan, N.; Burton, G.T.; Di Lodovico, F.; Gao, J.; Goldsack, A.; Katori, T.; Migenda, J.; Ramsden, R.; Xie, Z.; Zsoldos, S.; Suzuki, A.T.; Takagi, Y.; Takeuchi, Y.; Zhong, H.; Feng, J.; Feng, L.; Hu, J.R.; Hu, Z.; Kawaue, M.; Kikawa, T.; Mori, M.; Nakaya, T.; Wendell, R.A.; Yasutome, K.; Jenkins, S.J.; McCauley, N.; Mehta, P.; Tarrant, A.; Fukuda, Y.; Itow, Y.; Menjo, H.; Ninomiya, K.; Lagoda, J.; Lakshmi, S.M.; Mandal, M.; Mijakowski, P.; Prabhu, Y.S.; Zalipska, J.; Jia, M.; Jiang, J.; Jung, C.K.; Shi, W.; Wilking, M.J.; Yanagisawa, C.; Harada, M.; Hino, Y.; Ishino, H.; Koshio, Y.; Nakanishi, F.; Sakai, S.; Tada, T.; Tano, T.; Ishizuka, T.; Barr, G.; Barrow, D.; Cook, L.; Holin, A.; Nova, F.; Samani, S.; Wark, D.; Jung, S.; Yang, B.S.; Yang, J.Y.; Yoo, J.; Fannon, J.E.P.; Kneale, L.; Malek, M.; McElwee, J.M.; Thiesse, M.D.; Thompson, L.F.; Wilson, S.T.; Okazawa, H.; Kim, S.B.; Kwon, E.; Seo, J.W.; Yu, I.; Ichikawa, A.K.; Nakamura, K.D.; Tairafune, S.; Nishijima, K.; Eguchi, A.; Nakagiri, K.; Nakajima, Y.; Shima, S.; Taniuchi, N.; Watanabe, E.; Yokoyama, M.; De Perio, P.; Fujita, S.; Martens, K.; Tsui, K.M.; Vagins, M.R.; Xia, J.; Izumiyama, S.; Kuze, M.; Matsumoto, R.; Ishitsuka, M.; Ito, H.; Ommura, Y.; Shigeta, N.; Shinoki, M.; Yamauchi, K.; Yoshida, T.; Gaur, R.; Gousy-Leblanc, V.; Hartz, M.; Konaka, A.; Li, X.; Chen, S.; Xu, B.D.; Zhang, B.; Posiadala-Zezula, M.; Boyd, S.B.; Edwards, R.; Hadley, D.; Nicholson, M.; O'Flaherty, M.; Richards, B.; Ali, A.; Jamieson, B.; Amanai, S.; Marti, Ll.; Minamino, A.; Suzuki, S.
Publication Date
Physical Review D, v.109, no.7
American Physical Society
We present a measurement of neutrino oscillation parameters with the Super-Kamiokande detector using atmospheric neutrinos from the complete pure-water SK I-V (April 1996-July 2020) dataset, including events from an expanded fiducial volume. The dataset corresponds to 6511.3 live days and an exposure of 484.2 kiloton-years. Measurements of the neutrino oscillation parameters Δm322, sin2θ23, sin2θ13, δCP, and the preference for the neutrino mass ordering are presented with atmospheric neutrino data alone, and with constraints on sin2θ13 from reactor neutrino experiments. Our analysis including constraints on sin2θ13 favors the normal mass ordering at the 92.3% level. © 2024 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.
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Center for Underground Physics(지하실험 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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