Ruxolitinib Improves Immune-Dysregulation Features but not Epigenetic Abnormality in a Patient with STAT1 GOF

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Ruxolitinib Improves Immune-Dysregulation Features but not Epigenetic Abnormality in a Patient with STAT1 GOF
Koh, June-Young; Kim, Doo Ri; Son, Sohee; Park, Hwanhee; Kim, Kyung-Ran; Min, Sunwoo; Lee, Ha Seok; Jhun, Byung Woo; Kang, Eun-Suk; Jung, Inkyung; Kang, Ji-Man; Kim, Yae-Jean; Eui-Cheol Shin
Publication Date
Journal of Clinical Immunology, v.44, no.4
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
PURPOSE: Patients with STAT1 gain-of-function (GOF) mutations often exhibit autoimmune features. The JAK1/2 inhibitor ruxolitinib can be administered to alleviate autoimmune symptoms; however, it is unclear how immune cells are molecularly changed by ruxolitinib treatment. Then, we aimed to investigate the trnscriptional and epigenetic status of immune cells before and after ruxolitinib treatment in a patient with STAT1 GOF. METHODS: A patient with a heterozygous STAT1 GOF variant (p.Ala267Val), exhibiting autoimmune features, was treated with ruxolitinib, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were longitudinally collected. PBMCs were transcriptionally analyzed by single-cell cellular indexing of the transcriptomes and epitopes by sequencing (CITE-seq), and epigenetically analyzed by assay of transposase-accessible chromatin sequencing (ATAC-seq). RESULTS: CITE-seq analysis revealed that before treatment, the patient's PBMCs exhibited aberrantly activated inflammatory features, especially IFN-related features. In particular, monocytes showed high expression levels of a subset of IFN-stimulated genes (ISGs). Ruxolitinib treatment substantially downregulated aberrantly overexpressed ISGs, and improved autoimmune features. However, epigenetic analysis demonstrated that genetic regions of ISGs-e.g., STAT1, IRF1, MX1, and OAS1-were highly accessible even after ruxolitinib treatment. When ruxolitinib was temporarily discontinued, the patient's autoimmune features were aggravated, which is in line with sustained epigenetic abnormality. CONCLUSIONS: In a patient with STAT1 GOF, ruxolitinib treatment improved autoimmune features and downregulated aberrantly overexpressed ISGs, but did not correct epigenetic abnormality of ISGs. © 2024. The Author(s).
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Korea Virus Research Institute(한국바이러스기초연구소) > Center for Viral Immunology(바이러스 면역 연구센터) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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