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Search for MeV electron recoils from dark matter in EXO-200

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Search for MeV electron recoils from dark matter in EXO-200
Al, Kharusi S.; Anton, G.; Badhrees, I.; Barbeau, P.S.; Beck, D.; Belov, V.; Bhatta, T.; Breidenbach, M.; Brunner, T.; Cao, G.F.; Cen, W.R.; Chambers, C.; Cleveland, B.; Coon, M.; Craycraft, A.; Daniels, T.; Darroch, L.; Daugherty, S.J.; Davis, J.; Delaquis, S.; Der, Mesrobian-Kabakian A.; Devoe, R.; Dilling, J.; Dolgolenko, A.; Dolinski, M.J.; Echevers, J.; Fairbank, W.; Fairbank, D.; Farine, J.; Feyzbakhsh, S.; Fierlinger, P.; Fu, Y.S.; Fudenberg, D.; Gautam, P.; Gornea, R.; Gratta, G.; Hall, C.; Hansen, E.V.; Hoessl, J.; Hufschmidt, P.; Hughes, M.; Iverson, A.; Jamil, A.; Jessiman, C.; Jewell, M.J.; Johnson, A.; Karelin, A.; Kaufman, L.J.; Koffas, T.; Krucken, R.; Kuchenkov, A.; Kumar, K.S.; Lan, Y.; Larson, A.; Lenardo, B.G.; Douglas, Leonard; Li, G.S.; Li, S.; Li, Z.; Licciardi, C.; Lin, Y.H.; Maclellan, R.; McElroy, T.; Michel, T.; Mong, B.; Moore, D.C.; Murray, K.; Njoya, O.; Nusair, O.; Odian, A.; Ostrovskiy, I.; Perna, A.; Piepke, A.; Pocar, A.; Retiere, F.; Robinson, A.L.; Rowson, P.C.; Ruddell, D.; Runge, J.; Schmidt, S.; Sinclair, D.; Skarpaas, K.; Soma, A.K.; Stekhanov, V.; Tarka, M.; Thibado, S.; Todd, M.; Tolba, T.; Totev, T.I.; Tsang, R.H.M.; Veenstra, B.; Veeraraghavan, V.; Vogel, P.; Vuilleumier, J.-L.; Wagenpfeil, M.; Watkins, J.; Wen, L.J.; Wichoski, U.; Wrede, G.; Wu, S.X.; Xia, Q.; Yahne, D.R.; Yang, L.; Yen, Y.-R.; Zeldovich, O. Ya.; Ziegler, T.
Publication Date
Physical Review D, v.107, no.1
American Physical Society
We present a search for electron-recoil signatures from the charged-current absorption of fermionic dark matter using the EXO-200 detector. We report an average electron-recoil background rate of 6.8×104 cts kg-1 yr-1 keV above 4 MeV and find no statistically significant excess over our background projection. Using a total Xe136 exposure of 234.1 kg yr, we exclude new parameter space for the charged-current absorption cross section for dark matter masses between mχ=2.6-11.6 MeV with a minimum of 6×1051 cm2 at 8.3 MeV at the 90% confidence level.
Appears in Collections:
Center for Underground Physics(지하실험 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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