Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, v.90, no.8, pp.083522
American Physical Society
We demonstrate that elastic scattering between dark matter (DM) and baryons can affect
the thermal evolution of the intergalactic medium at early epochs and discuss the observa-
tional consequences. We show that, due to the interaction between DM and baryons, the
baryon temperature is cooled after decoupling from the CMB temperature. We illustrate our
findings by calculating the 21 cm power spectrum in coexistence with a velocity-dependent
DM elastic scattering cross section. For instance, for a DM mass of 10 GeV, the 21 cm bright-
nesstemperature angular power spectrum can be suppressed by a factor 2 within the currently
allowed DM-baryon cross section bounded by the CMB and large-scale structure data. This
scale-independent suppression of the angular power spectrum can be even larger for a smaller
DM mass with a common cross section (for instance, as large as a factor 10 for md ∼ 1
GeV), and such an effect would be of great interest for probing the nature of DM in view of
forthcoming cosmological surveys.