QCD-motivated models for hadrons predict an assortment of “exotic” hadrons that have structures
that are more complex than the quark-antiquark mesons and three-quark baryons of the original
quark-parton model. These include pentaquark baryons, the six-quark H-dibaryon, and tetraquark,
hybrid and glueball mesons. Despite extensive experimental searches, no unambiguous candidates for
any of these exotic configurations have been identified. On the other hand, a number of meson states,
one that seems to be a proton-antiproton bound state, and others that contain either charmedanticharmed
quark pairs or bottom-antibottom quark pairs, have been recently discovered that
neither fit into the quark-antiquark meson picture nor match the expected properties of the QCDinspired
exotics. Here I briefly review results from a recent search for the H-dibaryon, and discuss
some properties of the newly discovered states –the proton-antiproton state and the so-called XY Z
mesons– and compare them with expectations for conventional quark-antiquark mesons and the
predicted QCD-exotic states.