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Background determination for the LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter experiment

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Background determination for the LUX-ZEPLIN dark matter experiment
Aalbers, J.; Akerib, D.S.; Musalhi, A. K. Al; Alder, F.; Alsum, S.K.; Amarasinghe, C.S.; Ames, A.; Anderson, T.J.; Angelides, N.; Araujo, H.M.; Armstrong, J.E.; Arthurs, M.; Baker, A.; Bang, J.; Bargemann, J.W.; Baxter, A.; Beattie, K.; Beltrame, P.; Bernard, E.P.; Bhatti, A.; Biekert, A.; Biesiadzinski, T.P.; Birch, H.J.; Blockinger, G.M.; Boxer, B.; Brew, C.A.J.; Bras, P.; Burdin, S.; Buuck, M.; Cabrita, R.; Carmona-Benitez, M.C.; Chan, C.; Chawla, A.; Chen, H.; Chiang, A.P.S.; Chott, N.I.; Converse, M.V.; Cottle, A.; Cox, G.; Creaner, O.; Dahl, C.E.; David, A.; Dey, S.; De, Viveiros L.; Ding, C.; Dobson, J.E.Y.; Druszkiewicz, E.; Eriksen, S.R.; Fan, A.; Fearon, N.M.; Fiorucci, S.; Flaecher, H.; Fraser, E.D.; Fruth, T.; Gaitskell, R.J.; Genovesi, J.; Ghag, C.; Gibbons, R.; Gilchriese, M.G.D.; Gokhale, S.; Green, J.; Van, Der Grinten M.G.D.; Gwilliam, C.B.; Hall, C.R.; Han, S.; Hartigan-O'connor, E.; Haselschwardt, S.J.; Hertel, S.A.; Heuermann, G.; Horn, M.; Huang, D.Q.; Hunt, D.; Ignarra, C.M.; Jacobsen, R.G.; Jahangir, O.; James, R.S.; Johnson, J.; Kaboth, A.C.; Kamaha, A.C.; Khaitan, D.; Khurana, I.; Kirk, R.; Kodroff, D.; Korley, L.; Korolkova, E.V.; Kraus, H.; Kravitz, S.; Kreczko, L.; Krikler, B.; Kudryavtsev, V.A.; Leason, E.A.; Jaison Lee; Leonard Douglas; Lesko, K.T.; Levy, C.; Lin, J.; Lindote, A.; Linehan, R.; Lippincott, W.H.; Liu, X.; Lopes, M.I.; Lopez, Asamar E.; Lopez, Paredes B.; Lorenzon, W.; Lu, C.; Luitz, S.; Majewski, P.A.; Manalaysay, A.; Mannino, R.L.; Marangou, N.; McCarthy, M.E.; McKinsey, D.N.; McLaughlin, J.; Miller, E.H.; Mizrachi, E.; Monte, A.; Monzani, M.E.; Mendoza, J. D. Morales; Morrison, E.; Mount, B.J.; Murdy, M.; Murphy, A. St. J.; Naim, D.; Naylor, A.; Nedlik, C.; Nelson, H.N.; Neves, F.; Nguyen, A.; Nikoleyczik, J.A.; Olcina, I.; Oliver-Mallory, K.C.; Orpwood, J.; Palladino, K.J.; Palmer, J.; Parveen, N.; Patton, S.J.; Penning, B.; Pereira, G.; Perry, E.; Pershing, T.; Piepke, A.; Porzio, D.; Poudel, S.; Qie, Y.; Reichenbacher, J.; Rhyne, C.A.; Riffard, Q.; Rischbieter, G.R.C.; Riyat, H.S.; Rosero, R.; Rossiter, P.; Rushton, T.; Santone, D.; Sazzad, A.B.M.R.; Schnee, R.W.; Shaw, S.; Shutt, T.; Silk, J.J.; Silva, C.; Sinev, G.; Smith, R.; Solmaz, M.; Solovov, V.N.; Sorensen, P.; Soria, J.; Stancu, I.; Stevens, A.; Stifter, K.; Suerfu, B.; Sumner, T.J.; Swanson, N.; Szydagis, M.; Taylor, R.; Taylor, W.C.; Temples, D.J.; Terman, P.A.; Tiedt, D.R.; Timalsina, M.; Tong, Z.; Tovey, D.R.; Tranter, J.; Trask, M.; Tripathi, M.; Tronstad, D.R.; Turner, W.; Utku, U.; Vaitkus, A.C.; Wang, A.; Wang, J.J.; Wang, W.; Wang, Y.; Watson, J.R.; Webb, R.C.; Whitis, T.J.; Williams, M.; Wolfs, F.L.H.; Woodford, S.; Woodward, D.; Wright, C.J.; Xia, Q.; Xiang, X.; Xu, J.; Yeh, M.
Publication Date
Physical Review D, v.108, no.1
American Physical Society
The LUX-ZEPLIN experiment recently reported limits on WIMP-nucleus interactions from its initial science run, down to 9.2×10-48 cm2 for the spin-independent interaction of a 36 GeV/c2 WIMP at 90% confidence level. In this paper, we present a comprehensive analysis of the backgrounds important for this result and for other upcoming physics analyses, including neutrinoless double-beta decay searches and effective field theory interpretations of LUX-ZEPLIN data. We confirm that the in-situ determinations of bulk and fixed radioactive backgrounds are consistent with expectations from the ex-situ assays. The observed background rate after WIMP search criteria were applied was (6.3±0.5)×10-5 events/keVee/kg/day in the low-energy region, approximately 60 times lower than the equivalent rate reported by the LUX experiment.
Appears in Collections:
Center for Underground Physics(지하실험 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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