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Incremental benefits of size-zone matrix-based radiomics features for the prognosis of lung adenocarcinoma: advantage of spatial partitioning on tumor evaluation

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Incremental benefits of size-zone matrix-based radiomics features for the prognosis of lung adenocarcinoma: advantage of spatial partitioning on tumor evaluation
Kim, Eunjin; Lee, Geewon; Lee, Seung-hak; Cho, Hwanho; Lee, Ho Yun; Hyunjin Park
Publication Date
European Radiology, v.32, no.11, pp.7691 - 7699
Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH
© 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to European Society of Radiology.Objectives: Prognostic models of lung adenocarcinoma (ADC) can be built using radiomics features from various categories. The size-zone matrix (SZM) features have a strong biological basis related to tumor partitioning, but their incremental benefits have not been fully explored. In our study, we aimed to evaluate the incremental benefits of SZM features for the prognosis of lung ADC. Methods: A total of 298 patients were included and their pretreatment computed tomography images were analyzed in fivefold cross-validation. We built a risk model of overall survival using SZM features and compared it with a conventional radiomics risk model and a clinical variable-based risk model. We also compared it with other models incorporating various combinations of SZM features, other radiomics features, and clinical variables. A total of seven risk models were compared and evaluated using the hazard ratio (HR) on the left-out test fold. Results: As a baseline, the clinical variable risk model showed an HR of 2.739. Combining the radiomics signature with SZM feature was better (HR 4.034) than using radiomics signature alone (HR 3.439). Combining radiomics signature, SZM feature, and clinical variable (HR 6.524) fared better than just combining radiomics signature and clinical variables (HR 4.202). These results confirmed the added benefits of SZM features for prognosis in lung ADC. Conclusion: Combining SZM feature with the radiomics signature was better than using the radiomics signature alone and the benefits of SZM features were maintained when clinical variables were added confirming the incremental benefits of SZM features for lung ADC prognosis. Key Points: • Size-zone matrix (SZM) features provide incremental benefits for the prognosis of lung adenocarcinoma. • Combining the radiomics signature with SZM features performed better than using a radiomics signature alone.
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Center for Neuroscience Imaging Research (뇌과학 이미징 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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