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Comprehensive evaluation of vegetation responses to meteorological drought from both linear and nonlinear perspectives

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Comprehensive evaluation of vegetation responses to meteorological drought from both linear and nonlinear perspectives
Zhou, Zhaoqiang; Ding, Yibo; Fu, Qiang; Wang, Can; Wang, Yao; Cai, Hejiang; Suning Liu; Shi, Haiyun
Publication Date
Frontiers in Earth Science, v.10
Frontiers Media S.A.
Copyright © 2022 Zhou, Ding, Fu, Wang, Wang, Cai, Liu and Shi.The frequent occurrence of drought events in recent years has caused significant changes in plant biodiversity. Understanding vegetation dynamics and their responses to climate change is of great significance to reveal the behaviour mechanism of terrestrial ecosystems. In this study, NDVI and SIF were used to evaluate the dynamic changes of vegetation in the Pearl River Basin (PRB). The relationship between vegetation and meteorological drought in the PRB was evaluated from both linear and nonlinear perspectives, and the difference of vegetation response to meteorological drought in different land types was revealed. Cross wavelet analysis was used to explore the teleconnection factors (e.g., large-scale climate patterns and solar activity) that may affect the relationship between meteorological drought and vegetation dynamics. The results show that 1) from 2001 to 2019, the vegetation cover and photosynthetic capacity of the PRB both showed increasing trends, with changing rates of 0.055/10a and 0.036/10a, respectively; 2) compared with NDVI, the relationship between SIF and meteorological drought was closer; 3) the vegetation response time (VRT) obtained based on NDVI was mainly 4–5 months, which was slightly longer than that based on SIF (mainly 3–4 months); 4) the VRT of woody vegetation (mainly 3–4 months) was longer than that of herbaceous vegetation (mainly 4–5 months); and 5) vegetation had significant positive correlations with the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and sunspots but a significant negative correlation with the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). Compared with sunspots, the ENSO and the PDO were more closely related to the response relationship between meteorological drought and vegetation. The outcomes of this study can help reveal the relationship between vegetation dynamics and climate change under the background of global warming and provide a new perspective for studying the relationship between drought and vegetation.
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Center for Climate Physics(기후물리 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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