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Pre-supernova Alert System for Super-Kamiokande

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Pre-supernova Alert System for Super-Kamiokande
L. N. Machado; K. Abe; Y. Hayato; K. Hiraide; K. Ieki; M. Ikeda; J. Kameda; Y.Kanemura; R.Kaneshima; Y.Kashiwagi; Y.Kataoka; S.Miki; S.Mine; M.Miura; S.Moriyama; Y.Nakano; M.Nakahata; S.Nakayama; Y.Noguchi; K.Okamoto; K.Sato; H.Sekiya; H.Shiba; K.Shimizu; M.Shiozawa; Y.Sonoda; Y.Suzuki; A.Takeda; Y.Takemoto; A.Takenaka; H.Tanaka; S.Watanabe; T.Yano; Perio; K.Martens; M. R.Vagins; J.Bian; N. J.Griskevich; W. R.Kropp; S.Locke; M. B.Smy; H. W.Sobel; V.Takhistov; A.Yankelevich; S.Han; T.Kajita; K.Okumura; T.Tashiro; T.Tomiya; X.Wang; J.Xia; S.Yoshida; G. D.Megias; P.Fernandez; L.Labarga; N.Ospina; B.Zaldivar; B. W.Pointon; R.Akutsu; V.Gousy-Leblanc; M.Hartz; A.Konaka; N. W.Prouse; E.Kearns; J. L.Raaf; L.Wan; T.Wester; J.Hill; J. Y.Kim; I. T.Lim; R. G.Park; B.Bodur; K.Scholberg; C. W.Walter; L.Bernard; A.Coffani; O.Drapier; S.El Hedri; A.Giampaolo; Th A.Mueller; A. D.Santos; Paganini, P.; Quilain, B.; Ishizuka, T.; Nakamura, T.; Jang, J. S.; Learned, J. G.; Cao, S.; K. Choi; Anthony, L. H., V; Martin, D.; Scott, M.; Sztuc, A. A.; Uchida, Y.; Berardi, V; Catanesi, M. G.; Radicioni, E.; Calabria, N. F.; De Rosa, G.; Collazuol, G.; Iacob, F.; Lamoureux, M.; Mattiazzi, M.; Ludovici, L.; Gonin, M.; Pronost, G.; Fujisawa, C.; Maekawa, Y.; Nishimura, Y.; Sasaki, R.; Friend, M.; Hasegawa, T.; Ishida, T.; Jakkapu, M.; Kobayashi, T.; Matsubara, T.; Nakadaira, T.; Nakamura, K.; Oyama, Y.; Sakashita, K.; Sekiguchi, T.; Tsukamoto, T.; Boschi, T.; Di Lodovico, F.; Gao, J.; Goldsack, A.; Katori, T.; Migenda, J.; Taani, M.; Zsoldos, S.; Kotsar, Y.; Ozaki, H.; Suzuki, A. T.; Takeuchi, Y.; Yaamoto, S.; Bronner, C.; Feng, J.; Kikawa, T.; Mori, M.; Nakaya, T.; Wendell, R. A.; Yasutome, K.; Jenkins, S. J.; McCauley, N.; Mehta, P.; Tsui, K. M.; Fukuda, Y.; Itow, Y.; Menjo, H.; Ninomiya, K.; Lagoda, J.; Lakshmi, S. M.; Mandal, M.; Mijakowski, P.; Prabhu, Y. S.; Zalipska, J.; Jia, M.; Jiang, J.; Jung, C. K.; Wilking, M. J.; Yanagisawa, C.; Harada, M.; Ishino, H.; Ito, S.; Kitagawa, H.; Koshio, Y.; Ma, W.; Nakanishi, F.; Sakai, S.; Barr, G.; Barrow, D.; Cook, L.; Samani, S.; Wark, D.; Nova, F.; Yang, J. Y.; Malek, M.; McElwee, J. M.; Stone, O.; Thiesse, M. D.; Thompson, L. F.; Okazawa, H.; Kim, S. B.; Seo, J. W.; Yu, I; Ichikawa, A. K.; Nakamura, K. D.; Tairafune, S.; Nishijima, K.; Iwamoto, K.; Nakagiri, K.; Nakajima, Y.; Taniuchi, N.; Yokoyama, M.; Izumiyama, S.; Kuze, M.; Inomoto, M.; Ishitsuka, M.; Ito, H.; Kinoshita, T.; Matsumoto, R.; Ommura, Y.; Shigeta, N.; Shinoki, M.; Suganuma, T.; Yonenaga, M.; Martin, J. F.; Tanaka, H. A.; Towstego, T.; Chen, S.; Xu, B. D.; Zhang, B.; Posiadala-Zezula, M.; Hadley, D.; Nicholson, M.; Richards, B.; Ali, A.; Jamieson, B.; Marti, Ll; Minamino, A.; Pintaudi, G.; Sano, S.; Suzuki, S.; Wada, K.
Publication Date
IOP Publishing Ltd
In 2020, the Super-Kamiokande (SK) experiment moved to a new stage (SK-Gd) in which gadolinium (Gd) sulfate octahydrate was added to the water in the detector, enhancing the efficiency to detect thermal neutrons and consequently improving the sensitivity to low energy electron anti-neutrinos from inverse beta decay (IBD) interactions. SK-Gd has the potential to provide early alerts of incipient core-collapse supernovae through detection of electron anti-neutrinos from thermal and nuclear processes responsible for the cooling of massive stars before the gravitational collapse of their cores. These pre-supernova neutrinos emitted during the silicon burning phase can exceed the energy threshold for IBD reactions. We present the sensitivity of SK-Gd to pre-supernova stars and the techniques used for the development of a pre-supernova alarm based on the detection of these neutrinos in SK, as well as prospects for future SK-Gd phases with higher concentrations of Gd. For the current SK-Gd phase, high-confidence alerts for Betelgeuse could be issued up to 9 hr in advance of the core collapse itself.
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Center for Underground Physics(지하실험 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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