Publication Date2025-03
Optimization of leakage current response in Mn modified BiFeO3–BaTiO3 near morphotropic phase boundary
Kumar, Mukul; Rahul Goel; Singh, Arun Kumar, et al
Hybrid Advances, v.8
Publication Date2025-03
Structural, dielectric and magnetodielectric behavior of Bi3.15Nd0.85Ti3-x(Fex/2Crx/2)O12 (0.0 ≤ x ≤ 0.4) ceramics
Rani, Sandhya; Khan, Arbaz Reyaz; Sagar, Anand, et al
Ceramics International, v.51, no.7, pp.8558 - 8569
Publication Date2025-02
Localized Flexoelectric Effect Around Ba(CuNb) Nano-Clusters in Epitaxial BiFeO3 Films for Enhancement of Electric and Multiferroic Properties
Song, Hyunseok; Hwang, Soo-Yoon; Sung, Kil-Dong, et al
Advanced Functional Materials, v.35, no.9
Publication Date2024-12
Resolving exotic quantum states using scanning tunneling microscopy
Jeon, Sangjun; Myungchul Oh
Current Applied Physics, v.68, pp.58 - 70
Publication Date2024-12
Ultrafast Control over Stiffening and Softening of Coherent Interlayer Coupling in WSe2/WS2 Heterobilayers
Kim, Jinjae; Suh, Jeonghyeon; Suk-Ho Lee, et al
Nano Letters, v.24, no.51, pp.16391 - 16399
Publication Date2024-12
Ultrafast Floquet engineering of Fermi-polaron resonances in charge-tunable monolayer WSe2 devices
Choi, Hyojin; Kim, Jinjae; Park, Jiwon, et al
Nature Communications, v.15, no.1
Publication Date2024-12
ProtonationDriven Polarization Retention Failure in Nano-Columnar Lead-Free Ferroelectric Thin Films
Sheeraz, Muhammad; Ahn, Chang Won; Duong, Nguyen Xuan, et al
Advanced Science, v.11, no.48
Publication Date2024-12
Step-Directed Epitaxy of Unidirectional Hexagonal Boron Nitride on Vicinal Ge(110)
Ju-Hyun Jung; Zhao, Chao; Seong-Jun Yang, et al
Small Structures, v.5, no.12
Publication Date2024-12
Narrowband Electroluminescence from Color Centers in Hexagonal Boron Nitride
Gyuna Park; Zhigulin, Ivan; Hoyoung Jung, et al
Nano Letters, v.24, no.48, pp.15268 - 15274
Publication Date2024-11
Attojoule Hexagonal Boron Nitride-Based Memristor for High-Performance Neuromorphic Computing
Kim, Jiye; Song, Jaesub; Kwak, Hyunjoung, et al
Small, v.20, no.45
Publication Date2024-10
Crystallographic Pathways to Tailoring Metal-Insulator Transition through Oxygen Transport in VO2
Sim, Hyeji; Doh, Kyung-Yeon; Park, Yunkyu, et al
Small, v.20, no.43
Publication Date2024-10
Modified process engineering at morphotropic phase boundary for enhanced grain size and piezoelectric response in lead free BZT-BCT
Syal, Rajat; Sharma, Priyanka; Rahul Goel, et al
Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, v.35, no.30
Publication Date2024-09
Repeated fast selective growth of prepatternable monolayer graphene of electronic quality
Choi, Kyoungjun; Jeong, Yong Jin; Ahn, Juhwan, et al
Carbon, v.228
Publication Date2024-09
Single-Shot Multispectral Encoding: Advancing Optical Lithography for Encryption and Spectroscopy
Hyewon Shim; Park, Geonwoong; Yun, Hyunsuk, et al
Nano Letters, v.24, no.37, pp.11411 - 11418
Publication Date2024-09
Electroluminescence and photocurrent generation in pn-diode of trilayer phosphorene
Sangho Yoon; Taeho Kim; Su-Beom Song, et al
Journal of the Korean Physical Society, v.85, no.6, pp.520 - 524
Publication Date2024-08
Circular Dichroism Reflectance Anisotropy of Chiral Atomically Thin Films
Tomei, Ilaria; Pierucci, Filippo; Bonanni, Beatrice, et al
Chemosensors, v.12, no.9
Publication Date2024-07
Integrated 1D epitaxial mirror twin boundaries for ultrascaled 2D MoS2 field-effect transistors
Heonsu Ahn; Gunho Moon; Jung, Hang-gyo, et al
Nature Nanotechnology, v.19, no.1, pp.955 - 961
Publication Date2024-07
Tailoring Interlayer Coupling in Few-Layer MoS2 with Stacking Configuration
Kim, Jong Hun; Kyung-Hwan Jin; Jung, Yeonjoon, et al
ACS Applied Nano Materials, v.7, no.15, pp.17214 - 17220
Publication Date2024-06
Signature of possible spin liquid state at 2K in spin-frustrated Cr1-xFexPSe3 alloy
Mallesh Baithi; Dang, Ngoc Toan; Tuan Dung Nguyen, et al
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v.990
Publication Date2024-06
Atomic Layer Deposition of Epitaxial Ferroelectric Hf0.5Zr0.5O2 Thin Films
Cho, Jung Woo; Song, Myeong Seop; Choi, In Hyeok, et al
Advanced Functional Materials, v.34, no.24