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Strong constraints from COSINE-100 on the DAMA dark matter results using the same sodium iodide target

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Strong constraints from COSINE-100 on the DAMA dark matter results using the same sodium iodide target
Adhikari, Govinda; de Souza, Estella B.; Carlin, Nelson; Choi, Jae Jin; Choi, Seonho; Djamal, Mitra; Ezeribe, Anthony C.; França, Luis E.; Ha, Chang Hyon; Hahn Insik; Eun Ju Jeon; Jo, Jay Hyun; Joo, Han Wool; Woon Gu Kang; Kauer, Matthew; Hyounggyu Kim; Kim, Hongjoo; Kyungwon Kim; Sung Hyun Kim; Kim, Sun Kee; Won Kyung Kim; Yeongduk Kim; Yong Hamb Kim; Young Ju Ko; Eun Kyoung Lee; Hyunseok Lee; Hyun Su Lee; Hye Young Lee; In Soo Lee; Jaison Lee; Lee, Jooyoung; Moo Hyun Lee; Seo Hyun Lee; Lee, Seung Mok; Douglas Leonard; Manzato, Bruno B.; Maruyama, Reina H.; Neal, Robert J.; Stephen L. Olsen; Byung Ju Park; Park, Hyang Kyu; Park, Hyeonseo; Kang Soon Park; Pitta, Ricardo L.C.; Hafizh Prihtiadi; Se Jin Ra; Rott, Carsten; Keon Ah Shin; Scarff, Andrew; Spooner, Neil J.C.; Thompson, William G.; Yang, Liang; Yu, Gyun Ho
Publication Date
Science Advances, v.7, no.46
American Association for the Advancement of Science
© 2021 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works. Distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License 4.0 (CC BY-NC).We present new constraints on dark matter interactions using 1.7 years of COSINE-100 data. The COSINE-100 experiment, consisting of 106 kg of tallium-doped sodium iodide [NaI(Tl)] target material, is aimed to test DAMA's claim of dark matter observation using the same NaI(Tl) detectors. Improved event selection requirements, a more precise understanding of the detector background, and the use of a larger dataset considerably enhance the COSINE-100 sensitivity for dark matter detection. No signal consistent with the dark matter interaction is identified and rules out model-dependent dark matter interpretations of the DAMA signals in the specific context of standard halo model with the same NaI(Tl) target for various interaction hypotheses.
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Center for Underground Physics(지하실험 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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