Correlation between soft annealing conditions and structural, microstructural, morphological, and optical properties of CulnS2 thin films prepared by sulfurization of stacked precursor
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- Correlation between soft annealing conditions and structural, microstructural, morphological, and optical properties of CulnS2 thin films prepared by sulfurization of stacked precursor
- Seung WookShin; K.V.Gurav; MyengGilGang; M.P.Suryawanshi; P.S.Patil; G.L. Agawane; Chae Hwan Jeoung; Jae Ho Yun; Jeong Yong Lee; Jin Hyeok Kim
- A1.HighresolutionX-raydiffraction, B1.Inorganiccompounds, B2. Semiconductingmaterials, B3. Solarcells
Publication Date
- 2014-05
- JOURNAL OF CRYSTAL GROWTH, v.394, pp.49 - 54
- CuInS2 (CIS) thin films were prepared by sulfurization of In/Custacked precursor films. Prior to
sulfurization the stacked metallic precursors were subjected to the soft annealing in Ar atmosphere at different time(10,30,and60min)and temperature(100 1C and300 1C). The effect of soft annealing
condition on the structural, morphological and optical properties of CIS films was investigated.X-ray diffraction, Raman,and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy studies showed that the sulfurized thin films exhibited a CIS tetragonal structure with minor secondary phases such as Cu2xS andCuIn5S8. The
secondary phases were minimized by introducings of tannealed process in the CIS thin films. Void free CIS microstructures have been observed for soft annealed CIS films. The band gap energy of CIS films were increased from 1.37 to 1.5eV depending on the soft annealing conditions.
- 10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2014.02.001
- 0022-0248
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- Center for Nanomaterials and Chemical Reactions(나노물질 및 화학반응 연구단) > 1. Journal Papers (저널논문)
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