Publication Date2021-05-17
Coordinate regulation of the senescent state by selective autophagy
Lee, Yeonghyeon; Kim, Jaejin; Kim, Mi-Sung, et al
DEVELOPMENTAL CELL, v.56, no.10, pp.1512 - 1525
Publication Date2018-09
PKR Senses Nuclear and Mitochondrial Signals by Interacting with Endogenous Double-Stranded RNAs
Yoosik Kim; Joha Park; Sujin Kim, et al
MOLECULAR CELL, v.71, no.6, pp.1051 - 1.06E+09
Publication Date2020-04
RNA-Induced Conformational Switching and Clustering of G3BP Drive Stress Granule Assembly by Condensation
Highly Cited Paper
Guillen-Boixet J.; Kopach A.; Holehouse A.S., et al
Cell, v.181, no.2, pp.346 - 361.e17