Publication Date2017-07
Amperometric microsensors monitoring glutamate-evoked in situ responses of nitric oxide and carbon monoxide from live human neuroblastoma cells
Yejin Ha; Chaejeong Heo; Juhyun Woo, et al
SENSORS, v.17, no.7, pp.1661
Publication Date2016-06
Cerebral Hemodynamics and Vascular Reactivity in Mild and Severe Ischemic Rodent Middle Cerebral Artery Occlusion Stroke Models
Jeongeun Sim; Areum Jo; Bok-Man Kang, et al
EXPERIMENTAL NEUROBIOLOGY, v.25, no.3, pp.130 - 138
Publication Date2016-09
Dual Electrochemical Microsensor for Real-Time Simultaneous Monitoring of Nitric Oxide and Potassium Ion Changes in a Rat Brain during Spontaneous Neocortical Epileptic Seizure
Jungmi Moon; Yejin Ha; Misun Kim, et al
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v.88, no.18, pp.8942 - 8948
Publication Date2016-03
Insertable Fast-Response Amperometric NO/CO Dual Microsensor: Study of Neurovascular Coupling during Acutely Induced Seizures of Rat Brain Cortex
Yejin Ha; Jeongeun Sim; Youngmi Lee, et al
ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v.88, no.5, pp.2563 - 2569
Publication Date2017-09
Insertable NO/CO Microsensors Recording Gaseous Vasomodulators Reflecting Differential Neuronal Activation Level with Respect to Seizure Focus
Yejin Ha; Youngmi Lee; Minah Suh
ACS CHEMICAL NEUROSCIENCE, v.8, no.9, pp.1853 - 1858
Publication Date2016-01
Location-dependent sensing of nitric oxide and calcium ions in living rat kidney using an amperometric/potentiometric dual microsensor
Yee Seul Kim; Yejin Ha; Jungeun Sim, et al
ANALYST, v.141, no.1, pp.297 - 304
Publication Date2017-06
Repeated oral administration of human serum albumin protects from the cerebral ischemia in rat brain following MCAO
Hyejin Park; Minyoung Hong; Gil-Ja Jhon, et al
EXPERIMENTAL NEUROBIOLOGY, v.26, no.3, pp.151 - 157
Publication Date2015-05
The real-time in vivo electrochemical measurement of nitric oxide and carbon monoxide release upon direct epidural electrical stimulation of the rat neocortex
Sarah S. Park; Minyoung Hong; Yejin Ha, et al
ANALYST, v.140, no.10, pp.3415 - 3421