Publication Date2018-01
Anisotropic suppression of octahedral breathing distortion with the fully strained BaBiO3/BaCeO3 heterointerface
Han Gyeol Lee; Rokyeon Kim; Jinkwon Kim, et al
APL MATERIALS, v.6, no.1, pp.1 - 6
Publication Date2019-11
Coherent-strained superconducting BaPb1-xBixO3 thin films by interface engineering
Jinkwon Kim; Junsik Mun; Bongju Kim, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, v.3, no.11, pp.113606
Publication Date2018-04
Electrical and Optical Properties of VO2 Polymorphic Films Grown Epitaxially on Y-Stabilized ZrO2
Songhee Choi; Sung-jin Chang; Junhyeob Oh, et al
ADVANCED ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, v.4, no.6, pp.1700620-1 - 1700620-6
Publication Date2015-12
Electronic structure and insulating gap in epitaxial VO2 polymorphs
Shinbuhm Lee; Tricia L. Meyer; Chang Hee Sohn, et al
APL MATERIALS, v.3, no.12, pp.126109
Publication Date2015-09
Resistive switching phenomena: A review of statistical physics approaches
Highly Cited Paper
Jae Sung Lee; Shinbuhm Lee; Tae Won Noh
APPLIED PHYSICS REVIEWS, v.2, no.3, pp.031303
Publication Date2019-06
Sharp contrast in the electrical and optical properties of vanadium Wadsley (VmO2m+1, m > 1) epitaxial films selectively stabilized on (111)-oriented Y-stabilized ZrO2
Songhee Choi; Jaeseok Son; Junhyeob Oh, et al
PHYSICAL REVIEW MATERIALS, v.3, no.6, pp.063401
Publication Date2015-10
Strongly enhanced oxygen ion transport through samarium-doped CeO2 nanopillars in nanocomposite films
Sang Mo Yang; Shinbuhm Lee; Jie Jian, et al
Publication Date2020-09
Templated epitaxy of TiO2(B) on a perovskite
Shinbuhm Lee; Xiang Gao; Changhee Sohn, et al
APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, v.117, no.13, pp.133903
Publication Date2019-07
Unraveling the Origin and Mechanism of Nanofilament Formation in Polycrystalline SrTiO3 Resistive-Switching Memories
Deok-Hwang Kwon; Shinbuhm Lee; Chan Soon Kang, et al
ADVANCED MATERIALS, v.31, no.28, pp.1901322