Publication Date2020-01
Bright ligand-activatable fluorescent protein for high-quality multicolor live-cell super-resolution microscopy
Jiwoong Kwon; Park, Jong-Seok; Minsu Kang, et al
NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v.11, no.1, pp.273
Publication Date2023-03
Limitations of gene editing assessments in human preimplantation embryos
Liang, Dan; Mikhalchenko, Aleksei; Ma, Hong, et al
Nature Communications, v.14, no.1
Publication Date2023-06
MSH2-MSH3 promotes DNA end resection during homologous recombination and blocks polymerase theta-mediated end-joining through interaction with SMARCAD1 and EXO1
Jung-Min Oh; Kang, Yujin; Park, Jumi, et al
NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, v.51, no.11, pp.5584 - 5602
Publication Date2019-07
The structure of human EXD2 reveals a chimeric 3' to 5' exonuclease domain that discriminates substrates via metal coordination
Park, Jumi; Lee, Song-yi; Jeong, Hanbin, et al
NUCLEIC ACIDS RESEARCH, v.47, no.13, pp.7078 - 7093