Publication Date2022-01
A Miniaturized 256-Channel Neural Recording Interface With Area-Efficient Hybrid Integration of Flexible Probes and CMOS Integrated Circuits
Sung-Yun Park; Kyounghwan Na; Mihaly Voroslakos, et al
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, v.69, no.1, pp.334 - 346
Publication Date2022-06
HectoSTAR μLED Optoelectrodes for Large-Scale, High-Precision In Vivo Opto-Electrophysiology
Mihály Vöröslakos; Kanghwan Kim; Nathan Slager, et al
Advanced Science, v.9, no.18
Publication Date2023-12
Simultaneous electrophysiology and optogenetic perturbation of the same neurons in chronically implanted animals using μLED silicon probes
Nathaniel R. Kinsky; Mihály Vöröslakos; Jose Roberto Lopez Ruiz, et al
STAR Protocols, v.4, no.4