Publication Date2022-02
Clinical significance of circulating tumor cells after chemotherapy in unresectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Kim, Hyemin; Heo, Chan Mi; Oh, Jinmyeong, et al
Translational Oncology, v.16
Publication Date2013-12
Differentiation of True Progression from Pseudoprogression in Glioblastoma Treated with Radiation Therapy and Concomitant Temozolomide: Comparison Study of Standard and High-b-Value Diffusion-weighted Imaging
Chu, Hee Ho; Seung Hong Choi; Ryoo, Inseon, et al
RADIOLOGY, v.269, no.3, pp.831 - 840
Publication Date2013-05
Early response evaluation for recurrent high grade gliomas treated with bevacizumab: a volumetric analysis using diffusion-weighted imaging
Hwang, Eui Jin; Cha, Yongjun; Lee, A. Leum, et al
JOURNAL OF NEURO-ONCOLOGY, v.112, no.3, pp.427 - 435
Publication Date2021-12
Evaluation of response to immune checkpoint inhibitors using a radiomics, lesion-level approach
Song, Chorog; Hyunjin Park; Lee, Ho Yun, et al
Cancers, v.13, no.23