Publication Date2019-09
A highly durable carbon-nanofiber-supported Pt-C core-shell cathode catalyst for ultra-low Pt loading proton exchange membrane fuel cells: facile carbon encapsulation
Karuppannan, M; Kim, Y; Gok, S, et al
ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, v.12, no.9, pp.2820 - 2829
Publication Date2018-09
Efficient and wash-free labeling of membrane proteins using engineered Npu DnaE split-inteins
Lee, E; Min, K; Chang, YT, et al
PROTEIN SCIENCE, v.27, no.9, pp.1568 - 1574
Publication Date2020-06
Flightless-1 inhibits ER stress-induced apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells by regulating Ca2+ homeostasis
Choi, SS; Lee, SK; Kim, JK, et al
Publication Date2015-05
Simultaneous imaging of the topography and electrochemical activity of a 2D carbon nanotube network using a dual functional L-shaped nanoprobe
Lee, E; Sung, J; An, T, et al
ANALYST, v.140, no.9, pp.3150 - 3156
Publication Date2016-09
SoxF Transcription Factors Are Positive Feedback Regulators of VEGF Signaling
Kangsan Kim; Kim, IK; Yang, JM, et al
CIRCULATION RESEARCH, v.119, no.7, pp.839 - 852
Publication Date2020-11
TCB2, a new anti-human interleukin-2 antibody, facilitates heterodimeric IL-2 receptor signaling and improves anti-tumor immunity
Jun-Young Lee; Lee, E; Sung-Wook Hong, et al
ONCOIMMUNOLOGY, v.9, no.1, pp.1 - 12