Publication Date2018-02
Blue-Shifting Intramolecular Charge Transfer Emission by Nonlocal Effect of Hyperbolic Metamaterials
Kwang Jin Lee; Yeon Ui Lee; Fredéric Fages, et al
NANO LETTERS, v.18, no.2, pp.1476 - 1482
Publication Date2019-11
Donor−Acceptor Distance-Dependent Charge Transfer DynamicsControlled by Metamaterial Structures
Kwang Jin Lee; Yiming Xiao; Eun Sun Kim, et al
ACS PHOTONICS, v.6, no.11, pp.2649 - 2654
Publication Date2018-07
Strong Nonlinear Optical Response in the Visible Spectral Range with Epsilon-Near-Zero Organic Thin Films
Yeon Ui Lee; Eleonora Garoni; Hanayo Kita, et al
ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS, v.6, no.14, pp.1701400-1 - 1701400-12