Publication Date2017-03
A homozygous Keap1-knockout human embryonic stem cell line generated using CRISPR/Cas9 mediates gene targeting
Kim, SJ; Omer Habib; Jin-Soo Kim, et al
STEM CELL RESEARCH, v.19, pp.52 - 54
Publication Date2017-03
Generation of a Nrf2 homozygous knockout human embryonic stem cell line using CRISPR/Cas9
Kim, SJ; Omer Habib; Jin-Soo Kim, et al
STEM CELL RESEARCH, v.19, pp.46 - 48
Publication Date2019-09
Histone demethylase PHF2 activates CREB and promotes memory consolidation
Kim, HJ; Hur, SW; Park, JB, et al
EMBO REPORTS, v.20, no.9, pp.e45907
Publication Date2019-10
Visualization of regulated nucleation and growth of lithium sulfides for high energy lithium sulfur batteries
Xu, ZL; Kim, SJ; Chang, D, et al
ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, v.12, no.10, pp.3144 - 3155